Sunday 22 May 2011

Bright yellow and dotty.

Hello ladies,

This week I had a bit of Superdrug haul. Aussie hair products were 2 for £5, including their Lusciously Light conditioners, so I decided it was time to try them out. I have to say, so far I'm very impressed. My hair doesn't feel greasy or heavy after applying and has remained soft ever since my last wash. I will do a proper review in a couple of weeks time to let you know if the product lives up to its reputation, but here's my hair after one wash:

For now, here's a look at my news Barry M nail polishes. I've been wanting a yellow shade for absolutely ages and Barry M provided the perfect summer shade as expected. I also picked up a Blueberry Ice Cream colour, just perfect for those summer days.

But instead of applying them as usual to give you a look-see, I decided to try something different. As a lover of spots, stripes, florals and generally anything girly - I thought yellow and blue polka dots might be just the treat.

This is the yellow by itself. The initial colour is actually quite good. A couple of coats are needed to ensure full opacity, however I think this is quite good compared to some other light shades that I own.

For someone who is very inexperienced with any form of nail art I am actually quite impressed with how this turned out. This was achieved by simply dabbing over the yellow lightly with the blue brush. Luckily the Barry M brushes aren't too thick so as long as you do not put too much polish on the brush it's pretty easy to do. I quite like this as a cute, summer look and cannot wait to try it out other colours.

What do you guys think?

Sami xx


  1. They are gorgeous!! I really like the color combo you chose! I'm really inexperienced to nail art, too.

    xo, gina

  2. Love the bright, zingy colour combination

  3. Your hair looks fabulous!! And the nails are beyond cute, love the colour pairing. xx veronika

  4. love your nail color!<3


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